5. Nebraska
Things to do include:
- Building a corn maze.
- Racing Tractors
- Measure the depth of the Platte River with a ruler
- Jumping across state lines of Nebraska and Iowa
- Wait– isn’t Nebraska in self-isolation too?
4. Parents’ House
Things to do include:
- Having stimulating dinners with your parents
- Doing the chores you didn’t know you had
- You are stuck fixing the router and opening jars for your mother
3. North Korea
Things to do include:
- You can’t get in. Give up
2. Cincinnati
Things to do include:
- You can enjoy every season in one day
- There is literally nothing to do but drink at below average bars. And they’re closed anyway.
1. Any Place Under CDC Restriction Level 3 aka Travel Ban due to Corona Virus.
- Isn’t this everywhere? Stay home
By Kyle Biggs, CK Seck, and Cam Garcia